So, you've noticed your period sometimes shows up with the new moon, and other times it's hanging out with the full moon? You're not alone in wondering what's up with that! Let's chat about this whole menstrual cycle and moon connection thing. It's pretty fascinating stuff, if you ask me.
Why does the moon influence the menstrual cycle?
Okay, let's get a little nerdy for a sec. Back in 1986, some researchers got curious and looked at 826 women's menstrual cycle. Guess what? They found that 28.3 percent of them started their period around the new moon. Cool, right?
But here's where it gets interesting. In 2019, the period tracking app Clue did their own study with a whopping 1.5 million users. And they found... drumroll, please... no direct link between the moon and when periods start!
So, what gives? Well, I have a theory. It's not proven or anything, but hear me out...
Remember how rare it was to see someone's face glued to a phone screen back in 1988? Now, we're practically cyborgs with our devices! All that artificial light might be messing with our moon-menstruation mojo. What do you think?
Here's the deal: our brains evolved to follow the sun and moon's light patterns. But now? Our phones, laptops, and that one streetlight right outside your window are confusing the heck out of our bodies. Your brain literally can't tell the difference between moonlight and your late-night TikTok sessions!
This light show impacts two important rhythms:
1. The circadian rhythm (your daily wake-sleep cycle)
2. The infradian rhythm (your menstrual cycle – exclusive to us menstruators!)
When one rhythm gets thrown off, the other might start doing the samba when it should be doing the waltz, if you catch my drift.
How can I sync my period to the moon?
I get this question a lot, and I always respond with: "why do you want to?" There's no evidence that bleeding on a particular moon phase is better than another. It's all good in the menstrual hood! Unless you are doing it because you don’t currently have a cycle and want to still have this connection, of course!
But if you're really curious about enhancing your connection to the moon's cycle, here's a tip: give your phone (and all other light-emitting devices) a bedtime. Tuck them in at least 2 hours before you hit the hay, or after sunset. Let your brain bask in the natural rhythm of the moon.
What does it mean if I bleed with different moon phases?
Alright, let's get into the fun stuff! Remember, this is more about the magical than the medical, so take what resonates and leave the rest.
New Moon Period
If you're bleeding with the new moon, you're probably ovulating around the full moon. It's like you're in sync with Mother Nature herself! This rhythm might be calling you to focus on your inner circle – think self-care, family time, and cozy nights in.
Waxing Moon Period
Bleeding during the waxing moon (that's between the new and full moon) could be a sign you're ready for new adventures. Feeling the urge to start a new project or try something different? This might be why!
Full Moon Period
Full moon bleeders, you rebels! You're fertile when the moon's hiding, and bleeding when it's showing off. You might be all about shaking things up in the world around you. Revolution, anyone?
Waning Moon Period
If your period comes during the waning moon, it might be time for some Marie Kondo action in your life. This phase is all about letting go of what no longer serves you. Out with the old, in with the new – periods included!
A special note if you are in your 40's
If you're in your 40s, you might notice some changes in your cycle. We call this phase the 'Quickening' – it's like your body's way of saying, "Heads up, menopause is coming!"
You might find yourself:
- more sensitive to stress (that email from your boss might feel extra annoying)
- needing more rest (naps are totally in)
- craving a change in your routines
This is all normal! It's not a downward slope – think of it as an invitation to level up your self-care game. Many of the health challenges we associate with menopause could be way less intense if we use our 40s for some serious TLC.
Whether you're synced with the new moon, full moon, or somewhere in between, remember – there's no "right" way to menstruate. Your body is doing its own unique cosmic dance, and that's worth celebrating!
If you're loving this moon-and-menstruation chat and want to dive deeper, why not join one of my women's circles or yoga classes? We get into all this juicy stuff, swap period stories, and generally have a great time celebrating the magic of our bodies. Who can say no to that?
Drop a comment and let me know – what's your current moon-menstruation situation? Are you a new moon bleeder, a full moon flow-er, or a rebel who doesn't play by lunar rules? Can't wait to hear from you!
Remember, when one of us learns and heals, we all do. So let's keep this conversation flowing!